Psychology - Ego: Is balancing emotion and deception in making decision in one's private life possible? (Est-il possible de concilier emotion et déception dans la prise de décision liée à sa vie privée?): Making decisions about our private lives always come down to one thing - although most of the time we're unaware of it: Will that make me happy? This question, conscious or unconscious, takes into account both the emotion and the deception one might counter once the answer is brought, meaning when we decide to do something no matter what the outcome is.For example, let's take an individual who's going through an abusive relationship. He might decide to stay in the relationship not because he likes the abuse but because he loves his partner so much that he is not willing to live with the fact that he was the one to leave the relationship. Therefore, he would rather be disappointed on a regular basis. When asked: are you happily married?, he might answer yes or no depending on whether he feels or doesn't feel like substantiating on why he's not happy - because most of the time a no answer begs for some explanations. No matter what the answer is, as long as long as he decides to stay in such a relationship, he is a happy person. That sounds paradoxical, right? Not at all! In that case, the battered spouse has made a choice: listen to his emotion instead of confronting it. This is a case where emotion is stronger than deception, meaning the benefits of the former outweigh the drawbacks of the latter.
On the other hand, the same individual might decide to end the relationship because being berated, cheated on, and battered relentlessly has become unbearable to the point that walking out is a better alternative albeit he might still love his spouse. In that case, eliminating the disappointments instead of confronting them brings happiness although he might show visible signs of regrets. But remember that happiness is a personal and inner feeling that is not necessarily visible in most cases. The benefits from ending the abuse outweigh the drawbacks from listening his emotion. Emotion and deception cannot be balanced when making decisions about one's private lives. In the case of a mentally stable person, the same thing that makes him unhappy can't make him happy and vice-versa. When faced with a scenario you're either happy or not.
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